In collaboration with House of Hospitality and the ROC of Amsterdam, we have developed a groundbreaking online skills app that offers students the opportunity to have their skills valued by internship supervisors, business managers, fellow students, friends, acquaintances and teachers. The emphasis here is not on numbers, but on positive feedback and compliments. Each time a student receives an appreciation, a colored ball grows around their avatar as a visual representation of their progress. The more ratings, the bigger the ball becomes, creating a game element that makes the process insightful and fun.
The app allows students to create a personalized avatar so they can fully be themselves. Each appreciation they receive on a skill grows the corresponding colored ball, allowing students to monitor their progress in real time. A counter at the top of the interface shows the total number of ratings for a motivating and comprehensive learning experience. A public profile has also been created, where the avatar with valued skills is visible. A click on one of the colored balls shows anonymized comments from those who valued the skills, and this profile can easily be added to a resume.
Students themselves invite people to appreciate them. As a result, they are actively working on this.
Within the Allround Hospitality On-the-Job Employee course at level 3, 29 generic skills have been defined that form the basis for valuations in the app. Previous evaluations with Google Forms showed that this solution was cumbersome. That is why our app offers an intuitive, clear and visually appealing interface that gives students and practical trainers insight into valued skills. The skills are visually designed as game cards with a game-like visualization, making the tool attractive to young people and making collecting ratings a playful, inspiring experience.
Skills at a glance: Both textually and visually appealing presentation of skills.
With this innovative tool, House of Hospitality has taken student appreciation to a new level. Not only does it offer students insight into their strengths, but it makes learning in hospitality inspiring, playful and fun.
Both textually and visually appealing presentation of skills.
With this innovative tool, House of Hospitality has taken student appreciation to a new level. Not only does it offer students insight into their strengths, but it makes learning in hospitality inspiring, playful and fun.
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