A logo and corporate identity must be regularly reviewed whether it still matches the objectives and vision.

Bringing a consistent line to Sportloket Velsen's existing corporate identity. As a result, a restyled logo was also rolled out, because we believe that a corporate identity always starts with the logo.

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Balancing a vignette and typography makes a good logo professional

We looked for more balance in the elements of the vignette. In the new version, the vignette now also stands better if the logo is placed small. The new typography makes the name easier to read. The result is a consistent corporate identity in which all expressions have been implemented in a clear and consistent manner.

Avatar gemaakt van Frank van Ambasco. Gemaakt door Ambasco creatieve ontwerpers

Want to know if your brand is ready for tomorrow?

Of course, we are always open to discussions about the best approach. It might be wise to have a conversation with Frank first to determine exactly what your organization needs.