Good design makes a brand stronger

A journalist visited us for the trade magazine Business Rijnland and Kennemerland. His article about Ambasco Design & Marketing was subsequently posted on the Strongest Link website and the article will also appear in the November edition of the magazine. Nice!

Ambasco, Design Agency for Care, Welfare, Sports and Recreation

This article was written by a journalist from Business Rijnland and Kennemerland magazine for the nomination of The Strongest Link. Information about the Strongest Link can be found on their website

“Most of the work starts with a simple question: we want a website, can you create an email newsletter, we need a new logo. As designers - with experience in off- and online media and marketing -- that's what we're going to work on. ' But no matter how simple the question seems, Ambasco immediately thinks about the bigger picture. “After all, the client wants a stronger brand, a brand that gets character.”

Logos, corporate identities, websites, packaging, apps, business cards: they are always part of a bigger picture. “Good design conveys a message, it carries the story of the organization and determines a large part of the style of work and the atmosphere. We are not a conventional advertising agency, but we always make our designs with an eye for that big picture and the long-term message. '

Diverse customers in a familiar corner

“Over the years, we have found a whole series of clients in the fields of care, sports and recreation. It's a sector where we've come to understand people and business operations well. ' With this accumulated “prior knowledge”, they can not only quickly respond to simple questions. With that knowledge, they also quickly make proposals for improving other things. “These are often things that the client himself has not thought of. We have the impression that this is appreciated, because we get recommended often enough. '

Three men and a dog

It's not the beginning of an old joke, Ambasco really consists of Frank and Marco Huitenga, Boris Nuijten and dog Maggy. All three previously worked independently, but the combination makes it easier to serve larger clients. Frank: “Customers were more willing to trust us when Marco and I made our cooperation official. The expansion with Boris in 2017 makes us even stronger. ' Of course, with more than 25 years of experience, they also know how to find specialists for SEO, photography, printing, apps and text. And that dog? “Maggy guards the front door.”

Helping to empower a brand

“If you want to write down the core of our work in a few words, it's helping to empower a brand. A good brand ensures that customers understand what an organization does. ' So, as a designer, you need to know the customer's customer. “Where does the customer feel at home and what does he expect? On the one hand, this means that it must look good, and on the other hand, that it must work. The latter is particularly important for all possible online applications. ' So Ambasco also participates in the interaction design. “For apps and sites, the route through buttons and screens that a customer takes is very important. We have ideas about that too. ' In turn, it fits seamlessly with a new activity: designing e-learning.

E-Learning design

For six months, Ambasco has been working for clients on the creative side of e-learning software. “We provide the right images — icons, animations, interactive videos and infographics — to convey knowledge as clearly as possible in online courses.” Good design is always important: on paper, in public spaces and online.