Introduction: a completely renewed brand identity for SBA

For SBA, we recently completed an inspiring project, completely renewing the branding and then converting it into a modern and accessible digital brand book. This project underlines our expertise in branding and web design and shows how a strong brand identity can be digitally strengthened and optimized.

Naar de online website

Challenge: create a central and user-friendly brand platform

SBA had a strong brand base, but their branding was fragmented and difficult for their employees and partners to access. The challenge was to create a central, user-friendly platform where all brand guidelines, logos, and styles would be easy to find and apply. Our goal was to ensure brand consistency and increase accessibility to branding materials. To do this, we restyled the logo and then rolled it out into a full corporate identity.

Solution: An interactive and intuitive digital brand book

We have developed a digital brand book that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional and intuitive to use. The brand book includes interactive elements, clear guidelines, and downloadable assets, allowing users to find and apply the required materials quickly and efficiently. The process began with a thorough review of the logo, which better reflects SBA's core values. We then rolled out this new brand identity to a complete corporate identity, including color schemes, typography, and visual elements.

Result: SBA branding renewed with a modern digital brand book

With this digital transformation of their brand book, SBA is now better equipped to communicate their brand identity consistently and effectively, both internally and externally. Thanks to the close cooperation with the SBA team, we were able to deliver an end product that fully matches their vision and needs.

Avatar gemaakt van Frank van Ambasco. Gemaakt door Ambasco creatieve ontwerpers

Want to know if your brand is ready for tomorrow?

Of course, we are always open to discussions about the best approach. It might be wise to have a conversation with Frank first to determine exactly what your organization needs.