Starting with a strong digital brand starts with a distinctive logo

SBA's main communication channels include the website, social media channels and the monthly newsletter. The logo and corporate identity must work perfectly on all digital expressions. That is why we have developed a strong logo with the corresponding corporate identity. We then started to bring the website fully in line with the developed corporate identity. By extending this to the social media channels and the newsletter, we immediately provide a consistent image with which SBA can start building a strong brand.

Naar de online website

Development and Knowledge Sharing: Empower Your Brand with SBA Courses and E-Learning

One of SBA's goals is to offer pharmacy staff the opportunity to develop. To do this, they offer many courses. Both online via e-learning and offline in classrooms. This offers a huge opportunity to further strengthen the brand, because if you take a course, you will quickly be active for a few hours. By providing the e-Learning and course material in SBA's corporate identity, you further embed the identity in the student's brain.
Another goal of SBA is to share knowledge. In addition to offering course material, they do this by offering knowledge via a knowledge base. We developed it and fully integrated it into the website. As a result, the website is increasingly becoming an essential part of the organization and your identity.

Linking e-learning and physical learning and the virtual pharmacy

Of course, we don't forget the offline world either. For example, we made a link between digital and offline by converting an e-Learning course into a physical game. Perfect for playing with staff in a pharmacy. SBA also helps pharmacies retain and recruit staff. You can recruit staff by letting people switch from other work or you can do it by letting young people choose to train in the pharmacy profession. A vacancy website has been set up where the corporate identity has been implemented and we have set up a website to inform young people about the profession of pharmacy assistants. In addition, we went one step further and set up a virtual pharmacy. This pharmacy can be visited with the browser and with VR glasses. This virtual pharmacy, for example, was used at a training fair for young people. SBA does more trade shows and conferences and we try to link SBA's virtual world to the physical world at these conferences. The exhibition stand will be designed entirely in line with the branding and we will show video, animations and 3D experiences on the show floor via VR glasses. In this way, we bring life to the pharmacy world and SBA is building a consistently recognisable brand that comes across as sympathetic and innovative.

Avatar gemaakt van Frank van Ambasco. Gemaakt door Ambasco creatieve ontwerpers

Want to know if your brand is ready for tomorrow?

Of course, we are always open to discussions about the best approach. It might be wise to have a conversation with Frank first to determine exactly what your organization needs.