Tip for a message on LinkedIn or an article on your site

When you ask customers what to write about for their blogs or LinkedIn posts, they often respond with “pfff, I never have ideas.” Best tip I've ever received: write about every question you get. By answering questions from customers, prospects, colleagues, or even competitors, you show your expertise, build trust, increase visibility, and encourage interaction.

How do you come up with a good idea for a LinkedIn post or blog?

When we talk to customers about ideas for blogs, articles and social media posts, we often get a response pfff... I never have ideas to write about. And someone else is waiting for my opinion. The best tip I've ever received from someone is the following: write a post and/or blog about each question you get. From a customer, prospect, colleague or even a competitor. The chances of more people walking around asking the same question are quite high. So it's an ideal opportunity to share your knowledge!

Why is that a smart strategy?

  1. You show your expertise
    When you regularly answer questions on LinkedIn, you position yourself as an expert in your field. People trust experts and are more likely to do business with them.
  2. Transparency and trust
    You share your knowledge and you show that you are confident that someone else can benefit from it. We still get the response sometimes, but then the customer will do it himself and I earn nothing. That could be done, but they are more likely to come to you because then they know for sure that it will happen properly. And you also have to ask yourself whether a customer who wants to do everything themselves is right for you.
  3. Increase your visibility
    Every time you post a LinkedIn post, you increase your visibility. This can lead to more followers, more engagement, and ultimately more customers.
  4. Answer questions before they're asked
    By answering common questions, you help your audience with valuable information before they ask for it. This can lead to faster decision making and better customer satisfaction.
  5. Encourage interaction
    Posts that answer questions invite interaction. People will comment, like, and share your content. This increases the chance that your messages will have a wider reach.
  6. Empower your brand
    Consistent and valuable content reinforces your brand identity. By showing that you are willing to answer questions and share your knowledge, you build trust and loyalty.

How do you turn a question into a great LinkedIn post?

  • Keep it short and sweet: LinkedIn posts can be up to 1300 characters, so be concise and to the point.
  • Use visuals: An image, video, or infographic can make your message more powerful.
  • Be personal: Share personal experiences or examples to make your story more vivid.
  • do you have a question. Then ask them at the end of your article. This encourages your audience to respond and interact.
  • Use hashtags. This increases your reach and makes your post easier to find.
  • Want to tell us more? Then add a link to an extensive article on your website. You will then get some traffic to your site, which in turn is good for your SEO.

Let's give an example

Suppose you get a question from a customer:”How can I modernize my company logo without losing my brand identity?”

Your LinkedIn post could be:


Today, I received an interesting question from a customer: “How can I modernize my company logo without losing my brand identity?

Here are three tips for doing this effectively:

  1. Maintain essential elements: Make sure to preserve core parts of your logo, such as colors and shapes that are recognisable to your brand.
  2. Simplicity is strength: Modern logos are often simpler. Remove unnecessary details to create a sleeker look.
  3. Choose the right typography: A new font can give your logo a fresh look without losing its familiarity.

Do you also have a logo that could use an update? Let me know in the comments!

Below is an example where we have applied the above principles.



Every question is an opportunity to offer value and grow your network. So, the next time you get a question, remember to share your answer on LinkedIn. Who knows who you can help out!