Use of color in packaging

Did you know that there are products that use a number of standard colors? You make use of this yourself. Often without you even realizing it.

The color of potato packaging design

We have designed several packaging lines for Vanka Potato Wholesale. When setting up the designs, we take into account the color codes associated with the type of potato. For example, there must always be blue in the packaging of the crumbly potato and green in the boiling potato. Funny isn't it. You probably unconsciously grab the green bag if you want potatoes that are boiling.

Chocolate packaging and the basic colors of taste

This is also the case with chocolate. Use red for dark chocolate and blue for milk. Just take a look at the bottom band of this combination pack of sprinkles. It is useful that you unconsciously pack exactly that package with the right color. Some brands just don't stick to this. Just take a look at the packaging of Tony Chocolony and Verkade Chocolate. With Tony, they did it exactly the other way around. Milk in a red package and pure in a blue package. According to Tony, this is because at first they only had milk chocolate and they liked red for the alarming message. That is a good thought. However, I think the fact that they should dedicate a question and answer to it on their website says it all. Read it for yourself. Apparently, they have to explain it regularly. To make things a bit clearer, they added a yellow band with the text.

Want to know more about packaging?

We love sharing our knowledge. Let me hear from you. Then we'll talk about it further. Perhaps with a nice piece of chocolate. You can also read more about it on our discipline page Design & Packaging.