Your Google business page

Properly organizing your Google business page helps you improve your findability. Plus, it's free! Google wants to provide up to date information to its users, so they won't charge for that. By using it smartly and professionally, you will rise above your competition!

Free publicity with Google My Business

Did you know that you can use Google My Business perfectly to drive more good traffic to your site? If you have set up your company page correctly and someone searches for your company name, you will see your company information in the column to the right of the search results. If you set this up properly and update regularly, you can greatly benefit from this.

What do you have to do?

  1. Make sure you have beautiful current photos that are immediately visible. So please make sure these photos are correct
  2. Make sure the information is up to date. For example, make sure you enter your phone number so that it really becomes interactive. Super handy for a mobile.
  3. Collect reviews! People love to read about enthusiastic customers
  4. Respond to reviews. Leave someone a bad review once, then that's no fun. But if you respond to this professionally and properly, potential customers will immediately see how you deal with complaints. So you can show how you are!
  5. Post a post with an image regularly. For example, you can post a news story on your site and then post it to Google My Business. These come directly below the reviews. And if you make sure there is a link to your website or a link to your phone number, you will have immediately worked extra on your SEO.

What you should definitely not do

There are also a few points to pay attention to and what you should definitely not do.

  1. Within your company profile, you have many options to post info, locations, photos, etc. We often see that stock images are posted to make the company look nicer than it is. Or additional locations are added to make it look bigger. Why would you do that? Your customer is aware of this and will probably respond to it online.
  2. Don't respond to reviews, and certainly don't respond angrily to negative reviews. Let us hear from you: a positive customer has done their best to post a review for you, so it's best to let us know. People love to read this. Ignoring a negative review isn't useful either. People love to read how you react. This is a chance to show what your service is.
  3. Don't post bad photos, it's messy and gives the wrong impression. And a first wrong impression is hard to bend.
  4. Sign in to a few categories. Not with too much. That is not credible.