Create a successful online course for companies

The demand for online business courses is growing explosively. Companies that create their own courses can not only share their expertise but also generate a significant revenue stream. This article provides an in-depth guide for companies ready to enter this lucrative market.

Market analysis and competitor overview

Before launching an online course, thorough market research is crucial. Analyze existing courses for similar themes and identify opportunities for differentiation. Understand your target group thoroughly: what are their specific needs and how can your course respond to them?

Topic selection and target group definition

Choose a topic where your company excels, something you have recognized expertise in. This strengthens your position as a market leader and adds credibility to your offering. Define your target audience with precision: know their industry, function, and learning goals.

Plan and structure course content

Structure is essential to the success of the course. Divide your course into modules that are clear and logical. Set clear learning goals and use various learning tools such as videos, texts, and interactive elements to make the course attractive and educationally valuable.

Create interactive and engaging teaching materials

The importance of interactive and engaging content cannot be underestimated. Integrate visual elements such as infographics and videos, and provide interactive components such as quizzes and practical assignments. Test the material thoroughly beforehand to ensure quality and effectiveness.

Choosing the right LMS, hosting platform

Choosing an LMS, the hosting platform for your course material, is an important decision. Choose a solution that lets you express your creativity, is easy to manage, that is designed in line with your corporate identity and that works intuitively and visually for your students. We have had good experiences with TheLearning LAB and have therefore chosen to use that LMS to create our basic platform.

Marketing and promotion strategies

Effective marketing and promotion are essential. Develop a strong brand, your branding, around your course, create a compelling sales page and use social media for maximum visibility. Consider collaborating with influencers in your sector and offering free trial lessons to attract potential customers. Work with an agency like Ambasco to develop strong and recognisable branding, your brand identity.

Launch and Manage Your Course

Plan the launch carefully and be prepared for post-launch feedback and adjustments. Build relationships with students by communicating regularly and providing support. Actively gather feedback and use it to continuously improve the course.


Creating an online course offers companies a unique opportunity to share their knowledge and generate new revenue streams. By planning strategically, providing valuable content, and marketing effectively, your course can be a success. With these steps, you are setting a solid basis for a profitable online education offer.

Ambasco would love to help you develop your branding, online, offline and in your e-learning. Our branding specialists have knowledge of both marketing and e-learning.
